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Conscious Leadership

Why Your Personal Brand Matters

Your personal brand is an intentional statement you make to sway and influence others to follow you. It empowers you to communicate your message, build meaningful relationships, and advance your agenda effectively in today's complex and competitive landscape.

Are You An Authentic Leader?

You may not think of yourself as a leader. But you are. Being an authentic leader means you remain true to your values and ethics regardless of any external pressures to act otherwise. Being authentic means being true to yourself.

Transformational Leadership: What’s It All About?

There are many styles of leadership, one of which is known as ‘transformational’. This particular style focuses on the leader being able to motivate and inspire others.

Unlocking the Secrets to Your Success

It took me many years to learn that being good has nothing to do with having good things happen to you. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t be good. The planet needs as many good souls as possible. But if you think you’ll somehow magically be rewarded for your goodness, then you’re mistaken.

9 Reasons Why Vegan Businesses Must Thrive

Vegan businesses are built on strong ethical foundations. Reducing harm to animals, people and planet are all taken into consideration. This means a kinder world for all

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