Catch-up on the latest activist and grassroot political news from around the world. Sunday 17th March, 2024.

🤍 Today we begin with the devastating, and downright disgusting footage taken in a Victorian piggery in Australia. Activists from Farm Transparency Project broke into Midland Bacon at Carag Carag and installed secret cameras inside the facility which filmed about 18 days of vision. As you can imagine animals rights groups, politicians and activists are outraged. The ABC news, and it's 7.30 Program brought this disgrace to Australia's attention early this week.

🤍 Animals Australia have released this fantastic guide to an Animal-Friendly Easter. They share some simple strategies to enjoy a kind and compassionate Easter that everyone, including rabbits, chickens and dairy cows can enjoy.

🤍 To continue with the Easter theme, watch PETA President Ingrid Newkirk's powerful Easter message to learn how we can be kinder to all animals.  

🤍 In a surprise move the Victorian Government made a stunning announcement. Our native dog, the dingo, will be safe. The state government will no longer allow the state's most vulnerable dingo populations, in the north-west, to be cruelly poisoned, trapped and shot. Thank you to Animals Australia for their relentless advocacy.

🤍 Over the ocean, in Aotearoa, the Animal Justice Party NZ are fighting to put a stop to the annual sailing event, SailGP, which threatens the lives of Hector's Dolphins. The party have created an easy to use template, and urge everyone to send it to SailGP sponsors & organisers, and the Canterbury Environment authority.

🤍 Even further afield, the Romanian NOA party, dedicated to protecting animals and nature, was founded in 2023. After working closely with the Dutch Party For The Animals over the last couple of years, NOA have been welcomed with open arms as a Sister party. This is terrific news for Romania's animals and environment.

🤍 Great news from Portugal! In last week's Global Update we wrote that Portugal was going to the polls. Today we can tell you that the People Animals Nature Party (PAN) was e-elected in the national parliament with one seat, and they experienced growth in votes all over the country. More than 117,000 people voted for PAN.

🤍 The Plant Based Treaty Organization are calling on London Mayor Sadiq Khan to sign the Plant Based Treaty to show commitment to sustainability and the climate crisis. However, Mayor Khan remains against this, even though London is one of the world's most vegan-friendly cities. Let Mayor Khan know that you want London to join the treaty: Take action and sign the petition today. If you've got 34 minutes to spare, watch this heated debate between Mayor Khan and Andrew Boffam, Chair of the London Assembly, as the discuss the Plant Based Treaty.

See you all next week, with hopefully more good news than bad.

Silva x

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